Easy and Fun Easter Cupcakes to Make with your kids

Easter cupcakes

By April 12, 2019

Prep Time : 30 minutes. Cook Time : 40 minutes Yield : dozen


Bake your favorite cupcakes and set aside to cool.

In the meantime toast the coconut to prepare the "straws". - Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spread coconut flakes in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Toast in a pre-heated oven. It will take anywhere between 5-10 minutes for the coconut to turn golden brown. It should look like this:

Prepare a frosting according to a recipe. You can also use store-bought frosting but I love this simple cream cheese frosting: Cream Cheese Frosting Add a few drops of food coloring of your choice.

Frost cupcakes, preferably by piping. Roll half of the cupcakes in the toasted coconut and top with some M&M eggs. Top the remaining cupcakes with marshmallow bunnies.


Easter just sneaked up on me this year.  First of all, it’s only been a month of my new stay-at-home momminess, so I am in the trenches of setting new schedule, figuring out my life and organizing the house.  I have been dreaming of organizing the house from top to bottom but lacked any time.  Time is now a reality and I am seriously decluttering (meaning trashing all of my husband’s stuff and selling baby stuff on FB tag sales). 

First major project of mine is to clean up the garage and use it as storage/mud room which is much needed, especially as our 4 year old started Tball. I am now a sports mom. It means that my car and house are covered in muddy shoes, clothes and equipment (who would have imagined that a four year old would need that much stuff to practice ball?!? We will see how that will turn out…

Fast forward to this week and I realized that we are a week out from Easter. Frantically, I started to pull Easter decorations from the attic and hurried to Target to get some crafts. That was really the game changer. Two steps in and I saw beautiful hanging bunnies in the dollar bins. I immediately lit up. These will be perfect for the boys’ bedroom doors and only $3 each. I saw some wreaths at the store previously but they were 12.99 each. I was not prepared to invest $26 in knick knacks to decorate their doors (something I recently took up so I do not have seasonal stash other than their advent calendars for Christmas)

My day was already looking up. I scored some crafts for rainy afternoons and headed to the baking aisle trying to figure out what to bake. Baking with and for toddlers is difficult. They don’t quite appreciate or understand the “good” stuff. I was looking for some fruit loops thinking I will settle for making rice crispies with sprinkling of fruit loops for Easter colors, when I noticed the bunny marshmallows and M&M eggs. I was delighted as I have previously used the toasted coconut as a cupcake topping so I knew immediately what to do.

Once at home I immediately baked my cupcakes because I wanted them to cool and I also wanted to do carrot cake but my 4 year old would never eat them if he saw that carrots are an ingredient. After I picked him up from pre-school, we put his brother down for a nap and got into decorating. He helped making the frosting and decorated all by himself. I was so excited because we got our craft done for the day and also ended up with delicious cupcakes. Win win.

Happy Easter.

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